How many Calories are there in Pesto Pasta

How many Calories are there in Pesto Pasta

If you are overweight and can’t simply remove Pesto sauce from your diet, here’s how you can have your cake and eat it too!

What are Calories?

Calories are units of measurement by which we calculate the amount of energy in any item of food, Pesto sauce included

But why does it matter how many calories we take in every day?
Well, if we take in more calories than our body needs, the excess amount of calories will be stored in our body in the form of fat and voila, we are fat

That’s why it is important to monitor the number of calories we consume to prevent excess body fat and its dire consequences

It is now well established that each man needs to consume 2500 Kcal per day

This number stands at 200 Kcal for women


 How many Calories are there in Pesto Pasta

 How many Calories are there in Pesto Pasta

How many Calories are there in Pesto Pasta?

One bowl of pasta with Pesto sauce, weighing 100 grams, gives us 315 calories

But the truth is that it is not the pasta that contributes to you gaining extra pounds, particularly if the pasta is made from whole-grain, whole-wheat, or lentil-based pasta

Strangely enough, it is the sauce and toppings that come with it

As for one, Pesto sauce brings you a plateful of calories and fat, since it is made of olive oil, nuts, and cheese

The number of calories in a bowl of pesto sauce (63 grams) is estimated to be 263 calories

Along with the package comes 24 grams of unsaturated fat, which are believed to have heart health benefits if kept in moderation

The good news is that you can add pasta with pesto sauce to your diet and it would do you no harm

But remember that this is the trick; use moderation


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