Jamie Oliver spaghetti carbonara

Chef, Jamie Oliver’s recipes are always worth trying, Spaghetti carbonara is one of which has so many fans around the world. We’re talking about quick and simple solutions here, so this simple pasta sauce will cook in around the same amount of time as it takes to cook some dried pasta in boiling, salted water.

These servings are for 2, but you can easily scale them up or down. Use whichever form you have; just keep in mind that each person needs roughly 75g of dry pasta. Or, try this really straightforward fresh pasta recipe, which only calls for wheat and water.

Ingredients: 300 grams of dry spaghetti, Olive oil and two rashers of higher-welfare smoked streaky bacon, two organic eggs, Extra Parmesan cheese for grating

Method: In a pan of boiling, salted water, prepare the pasta as directed on the package. In a nonstick frying pan over medium heat, add the bacon slices, along with a large dose of black pepper and a tablespoon of olive oil. Turn off the heat after allowing it to get very brown and crispy while occasionally tossing.

In the meantime, lightly beat the eggs in a basin, add the Parmesan, and stir to combine. Transfer the spaghetti with tongs directly into the pan and combine with the bacon. Pour the Parmesan eggs into the pan, stirring constantly while adding splashes of the pasta cooking water to loosen the mixture until you get a smooth sauce.

Eggs will scramble if the pan is too hot, so be careful. Pasta should be plated, and more Parmesan should be grated on top. For buying the best quality spaghetti don’t worry a bit, you have an experienced supplier that can provide you with pasta in large quantities and customized packing.

spaghetti casserole

The very definition of comfort food is spaghetti casserole. A filling, delectable, and simple way to prepare and consume spaghetti. A lot of cheese, pasta, and beef sauce are included in this simple baked spaghetti dish.

This dish is ideal for any day of the week since it is popular among people of all ages. A combination of cream cheese, ricotta cheese, and sour cream is baked into the middle of baked spaghetti casserole, also known as million-dollar spaghetti casserole, which consists of ground beef, spaghetti, and spaghetti sauce. After that, a mixture of provolone and mozzarella cheese is sprinkled on top, and the flavorful dish is cooked to perfection.

Prep: Set the oven to 350 degrees to begin. Cook the spaghetti per the directions on the box while the oven is cooking, then drain and put aside.

spaghetti casserole

Sauce: Place the ground meat in a big pan and cook the spaghetti at the same time. Cook while breaking up large chunks until thoroughly cooked and browned. Return the ground meat to the skillet after draining the oil. To the pan, add the sour cream, basil, oregano, and spaghetti sauce. Stirring will blend everything.

Combine: The noodles and 1 cup of mozzarella cheese should be combined in the pan.

Bake:  The casserole should be placed in a 9 × 13 baking dish. The remaining mozzarella and parmesan cheese should be added on top. Bake the casserole for 30 minutes while it is covered with foil. Removing the foil after 30 minutes will let you continue baking for another 10-15 minutes, or until the cheese is bubbling and browned.

spaghetti in a hot dog bun

This recipe for spaghetti in a hot dog bun, which was inspired by the book, is a creative way to make and consume a beloved quick pasta dish. Activities for Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun should be added to go with the kid’s book. This recipe is the pinnacle of family-friendly dishes.

The phrase “spaghetti in a hot dog bun” refers to spaghetti that is served in a hot dog bun. After preparing the pasta according to the instructions on the box, tomato sauce is added. Like garlic bread, the hot dog bun is toasted. The ideal hot dog spaghetti recipe is then created by spooning the spaghetti into the toasted hot dog bun. The cooking time of this dish is only 20 minutes. Here is an easy and delicious recipe.


8 doggie buns (even stale ones are fine)

Melted butter, two tablespoons

1 teaspoon minced garlic (more to taste, if needed)

1 packet of spaghetti

spaghetti sauce, one jar

spaghetti in a hot dog bun

mozzarella cheese (optional as garnish)


Cook spaghetti noodles as directed on the box. Rinse the noodles in the water. Put the noodles back in the saucepan and reheat the sauce. Hot dog buns should be split just halfway before being placed on a baking pan.

Garlic powder should be lightly sprinkled after brushing melted butter onto the interior of the hot dog buns. When the interior of the bread is just toasted, broil for 2 to 3 minutes. (Watch out—they burn rapidly.)

the buns from the oven. Spoon the pasta inside with care. On top, grate some parmesan cheese. Before serving, allow it to cool somewhat.

lemon spaghetti

Making the ideal pasta meal, lemon spaghetti with garlic toasted breadcrumbs just takes 20 minutes. The lemon sauce is flavorful, light, and really excellent.

Ingredients are as follows:

Olive oil, 1/3 cup, finely shredded ciabatta bread, 1 1/2 cups, 2 garlic cloves, minced, and Kosher salt, Regarding the spaghetti: 1 lb. of spaghetti, olive oil, 1/2 cup, 1 lemon’s zest, 50 ml of lemon juice, freshly grated Parmesan cheese, 3/4 cup, Butter, two tablespoons, red pepper flakes, to taste, crushed, black pepper and kosher salt, to taste, for serving, add more parmesan cheese and fresh basil.


Olive oil should be heated in a large pan over medium heat. Bread should be added and cooked while sometimes tossing until toasty and golden brown. Cook the garlic for a minute after adding it. To taste, add salt to the dish. Put aside in a basin after transfer.

lemon spaghetti


A large saucepan of salted water should be brought to a boil. According to the directions on the package, cook the pasta until it is al dente. After draining the pasta, save 1 cup of the starchy water. Refill the pot with the spaghetti.

In a small bowl, combine the Parmesan cheese, olive oil, lemon zest, and juice while the pasta is boiling.

Over the cooked spaghetti, pour the lemon sauce. When the pasta is heated, add the butter and toss to thoroughly incorporate. Re-toss after adding 1/4 cup of the pasta water that was saved. You can add a little additional water if you believe the spaghetti needs a bit more liquid.

Add salt, black pepper, and red pepper flakes to taste to season. Pasta should be divided among dishes and topped with toasted breadcrumbs, more Parmesan cheese, and fresh basil. Serve right away.

spaghetti lasagna

The less difficult relative of lasagna is baked spaghetti casserole. Stack pasta with a tomato sauce with sausage and mushrooms. Ricotta, parmesan, and mozzarella cheese should be sprinkled over top.

The process for making baked spaghetti is quite similar to that of making lasagna. A tomato-based meat sauce, pasta, mozzarella, ricotta, and Parmesan cheeses are all combined in a layered, baked dish.

The two primary variations are the substitution of thin spaghetti noodles for large lasagna pasta and the addition of a few beaten eggs t

o the cooked noodles. The eggs aid in holding the noodles together so you may cut and serve even rectangles without worrying about them disintegrating.

You truly enjoy both dishes in one serving. The gooey ricotta and mozzarella combination is served with the pasta, which continues to taste like spaghetti.

spaghetti lasagna

It is significantly simpler to prepare than lasagna. You merely throw spaghetti into a meat sauce and place it on the plate with some tongs; you don’t have to worry about boiling and separating sticky noodles.

Spaghetti comes in many different shapes, such as cords, tubes, and ribbons, but lasagna is a flat sheet of pasta that is fashioned like a rectangle. Due to their distinctive recipes and various cooking techniques, pasta and lasagna are both Italian meals that are well-known around the world.

Just picture how delicious a meal would be if these two were combined.

Since we are experienced in the field and have exported all kinds of pasta around the globe. Our products are considered healthy, fresh, and fit to standards by our customers. Supplying companies are the best option for those who want to buy pasta in bulk and thanks to eCommerce there is no need for spending a lot of money and physical presence to make a deal.

spaghetti omelet

This iconic meal known as frittata di maccheroni, also known as the spaghetti omelet has been created because of the Neapolitan peasant tradition, famed for not throwing out and wasting anything left on the table, especially leftover pasta.

The residual spaghetti was simply transformed into a delicious new dish by adding a few eggs, some grated cheese, salt, and a few grinds of black pepper. This recipe has since gained notoriety and become a staple in Neapolitan cuisine.

The ideal pasta to use for this filling pasta snack is one that has been flavored with a tomato- or meat-based sauce, less so fish. Before frying the eggs, you might stir in a couple of tablespoons of freshly chopped flat-leaf parsley. If you have any leftover roasted peppers, which are great in a frittata, you could also use those.

spaghetti omelet

In a frying pan, warm the olive oil before adding the pasta. Stir-fry the spaghetti for a few minutes to fully warm it. Pour all the beaten eggs over the pasta, combine with the Parmesan, and season with salt and pepper.

Move the egg from the sides to the center and gently fry until the omelet’s foundation forms. When you notice that the top is also beginning to harden, you invert the omelet using a big plate or a big flat saucepan lid. Slide the omelet’s softer top side into the pan once it has been flipped over. To set and cook this side, fry for a little while longer. Slices can be served hot or cold.

Spaghetti, bucatini, or vermicelli are the most common noodle forms used, it may also be made with any other pasta type that is currently in the pantry.

spaghetti yogurt

Spaghetti with yogurt sauce is similar to alfredo in Lebanon. It’s really tasty, easy to make, and turns out creamy and wonderful. People often use plain whole milk yogurt to create creamy spaghetti sauce in place of heavy cream. This meal is sometimes referred to as Macarona bil laban in Arabic, which translates to mean macaroni in yogurt.

The recipe for Lebanese Spaghetti with Pine Nuts and White Yogurt Sauce is ideal if you’re seeking a pasta meal that is tasty and simple to prepare. Garlic, parsley, plain yogurt, and a dash of salt are the main ingredients in this white sauce. The pine nuts offer a great crunch, while the fresh parsley and mint lend a lovely brightness. It is straightforward but tasty. It’s a fantastic replacement for Alfredo sauce.

spaghetti yogurt

Pasta with yogurt sauce ingredients: Italian noodles, plain whole milk yogurt, Garlic, Aspen nuts, Olive Oil How to make it? The olive oil should be heated in a big skillet. Cook the pine nuts till golden brown after adding them. Take out of the skillet, then set it aside.

The garlic and parsley should be cooked in the skillet with the remaining olive oil until fragrant. Whisk together the yogurt and salt after adding them, slightly warming the yogurt in the process. Whisk consistently until the yogurt becomes creamy and smooth. Put the skillet with the cooked spaghetti in it. Mix the yogurt sauce with the pasta.

You’ll need to use a plant-based yogurt, such as almond, coconut, or soy, to prepare a vegan version of spaghetti with yogurt sauce. You may also try swapping out the yogurt with cashew cream. To buy any kind of pasta for your recipes in high quality and at the lowest price possible contact our sales manager.


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