Pasta Exporting Importing by Country

Pasta Exporting Importing by Country

The largest volume of pasta exports belongs to Italy, which has a 29% share of the world market
China with %9 and south Korea and Turkey with %6 and Thailand with %5, and others country
They are the next ranks of export of this product
In import United State and Germany and France are leading in the import of Pasta
The nominal production capacity of Pasta in our country is about 700000 tons per year but according to the current situation in Iran, the actual production of this product is a little mor than 500000 tons, Due to the high quality of Iranian pasta, which  has the highest international standards

 Pasta Exporting Importing by Country

As you know, quality semolina raw materials are used in the production of pasta
Today, Iran has a good demand in its target markets, but due to incorrect marketing and packaging quality, etc
, Iran’s share of exports is only one tenth of the Iranian pasta production
Product quality, Packaging and reasonable price increase the customer for exporting this product
The up to date equipment of pasta production in the country has cause competition in  the world and now more than 25 to 30% of domestic production is exported to different countries of the world

Pasta Production by Country

As we have said, many countries export pasta and macaroni, but the most important is Italy with 29% of the world market share, which has the largest share in the export of this product, and in a sense, the history of Italian pasta and macaroni, as well as good quality and packaging
Italian pasta has made it unbeatable with other countries
So most of this product should be from Italy
The history of Italian pasta and macaroni: “The air on the deck was very hot and humid” and Tyson looked at the Italian sailor talking calmly to his friend
He said it would be his last business trip and that he would retire due to a recent injury, but that was not fair
Spaghetti was still young, and if it had not happened, it could have been on deck for years
Suddenly Tyson stopped working, set the spoon aside, and looked in amazement at the result of his work and the dough, which had been separated from the main dish by a string and seemed dry when the sunshine on the table

 Pasta Exporting Importing by Country

This was the first time he had baked dough with the sloppiness of a dough
That look was enough to take the young sailor out of his long speech, and a few minutes later, together with Tyson
They quickly gathered the dried strands and, hours later, secretly boiled them in broth to discover a new food
Discover a new dish and name it “Macaroni” or “Spaghetti”
This was the story of how the pasta was invented

Pasta Exporting Countries

As we have said, many countries exporting pasta and macaroni, but the most important is Italy with 29% of the world market share, which has the largest share in the export of this product
Afghanistan, Iraq, UAE, China, Japan, Oman, Lebanon and Kuwait have good exporting  capacity for pasta in Asia
Russia, USA, And countries like Canada and Germany can also be mentioned as suitable export destinations

Pasta Importers

The world’s pasta importers are Belgium, China, France, India, the United States and China, all of which have had a growing market in the last five years, while Germany and the United Kingdom have also seen positive growth in the past year

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